Packages and Prices

This is how you can order your remote healing session. Select your numbers of treatments. As soon as you have booked we will contact you. Certainly it is possible to also contact us directly if you would like an additional option.

Here for contact information.


1 initial consultation and assessment,
10 treatments
CHF 515.-

Choose your time and date individually.
This is a good way of getting to know our services and reduce issues of minor illness.


1 initial consultation and assessment,
25 treatments incl.
1 interim evaluation interview
CHF 1'190.-

This is recommended for bigger health issues. It can be used for longer term treatment planning or also as an intensive interval treatment.
You or your clients stay on a roll energetically and treatment success of bigger complexity will be felt or seen.


1 initial consultation and assessment,
40 treatments incl.
3 interim evaluation sessions
CHF 1'865.-

Big health issues and chronic illnesses usually experience to get stabilised or improve the health. Through having a longer period of treatment planning you profit from a closer collaboration of the Indian and Swiss teams to adjust the treatment even more to the individuals needs.

Customer testimonials