This is how you can order your remote healing session. Select your numbers of treatments. As soon as you have booked we will contact you. Certainly it is possible to also contact us directly if you would like an additional option.
1 initial consultation and assessment,
10 treatments
CHF 515.-
Choose your time and date individually.
This is a good way of getting to know our services and reduce issues of minor illness.
1 initial consultation and assessment,
25 treatments incl.
1 interim evaluation interview
CHF 1'190.-
This is recommended for bigger health issues. It can be used for longer term treatment planning or also as an intensive interval treatment.
You or your clients stay on a roll energetically and treatment success of bigger complexity will be felt or seen.
1 initial consultation and assessment,
40 treatments incl.
3 interim evaluation sessions
CHF 1'865.-
Big health issues and chronic illnesses usually experience to get stabilised or improve the health. Through having a longer period of treatment planning you profit from a closer collaboration of the Indian and Swiss teams to adjust the treatment even more to the individuals needs.
«These dedicated healers and organizers generate valuable benefit; this with regard of financial reasons or lack of time for treating myself on my own.
I am enormously grateful for the easy and relieving service Humans First offers. It’s a gift being able to access these resources at any time.»
«Last year my father (87 years old) was in hospital- because of Covid19 he was very weak. He was ventilated and had severe heart issues. His condition was critical. The Pranic Healers from India treated him daily, during the most critical time even twice a day. After a few weeks of hospitalization he was able to return home, where he is able to take care of himself. Since this event, he is treated once a week for general support. We are grateful for this simple energetic support.»
«I was treated during my pregnancy. Thanks to the Pranic Healing treatments, the sugar levels could be kept within the standard range. During the whole pregnancy, despite of some psychological stress, I was feeling well. With distant healing the Indian healers supported me in giving birth to our child. According to the doctor, the birth went very well, was easy and without complications.»
«During an unexpected relapse of uveitis (inflammation of a skin in the middle-eye skin) I was treated with Pranic Healing. At the beginning I had daily treatments, later thrice a week- those in addition to anthroposophic medical therapy.
I felt no more pain after only a few days and after a total of only two months, the inflammation, which used to last for months to years, had successfully disappeared. This was a huge relief to me.»
«Meine Mutter musste sich krebsbedingt einer grossen Operation unterziehen. Während der Operation und in der Erholungsphase durften wir sie intensiv mit Prana-Fernbehandlungen unterstützen. Die Ärzte waren erstaunt wie schnell und komplikationsfrei die anspruchsvolle Operation durgeführt werden konnte. Meine Mutter durfte ausserordentlich schnell nach Hause, da ihr Heilungsprozess so positiv verlief.
Daheim angekommen brauchte sie keinerlei Schmerzmittel mehr. Ihre emotionalen Tiefs, bedingt durch die körperliche Veränderung hat sie innert Tagen überwunden und kann das Leben geniessen.»
«Ich liess während 2.5 Monaten 2 mal wöchentlich meine Beziehungen innerhalb einer Organisation behandeln, die zu Beginn sehr angespannt, aggressiv und wenig konstruktiv waren. Durch die Pranic Healing Behandlungen wurden meine Beziehungen viel leichter, entspannt und konstruktiv. Danke für die Unterstützung.»
«In June I finished Highschool. The last term and the exams were stressful for me, which manifested mainly with neck pain, general weakness and concentration issues. I was treated sporadically over 5 months, especially during my final exams. During the exams I was really calm and was focused and I passed them successfully.»
«In April our daughter had a surgery of her left elbow. The intervention as well as the time after the surgery was supported with the Pranic Healing treatments. In the end the surgery was smaller than planned and the healing went very well. Thank you very much for everything.»
«We will continue the remote treatments for C.. She is profiting a lot of them- for the time being her Alzheimer's disease seems to have stabilized. I can't see any significant deterioration in the last few months and the only reason must be the treatments."
J.T. from Martigny.»
«When I am too exhausted to treat myself, distance treatments from India work magnificently. They heal my symptoms, stabilize and anchor me again. Then I can feel in my heart intense joy and I am balanced, I can be fully effective again. Sometimes I briefly wake up during the treatments and sense the effects immediately. With a smile on my face I then fall asleep connected to the universe again.»
«Right after birth, our son had issues in breathing on his own- the treatments worked wonders.»
«Considering the timing of the treatment, it is when I wake up that I feel the improvements of the treatment.... sometimes I feel the injured area better, and sometimes I don't. Definitively I feel that something has happened during the treatment. Before going to sleep, I imagine the time of treatment and prepare myself for it. This supports distant healing...»
«From beginning of March, my advanced stage age-related macular degeneration was treated through Humans First. With the help of distant healing the retinal detachment could be massively alleviated. Also emotionally I could benefit a lot from the treatments. Thank you very much.»
«Shortly after birth, our baby was diagnosed with a heart defect. What followed were 10 intense weeks with several major surgeries, many complications, a lot of fear and despair.
Through friends we heard of distant healing with Pranic Healing. About three weeks after birth the treatments started, with which on the one hand the surgeries were accompanied, on the other hand the whole family was emotionally supported. Thanks to all the incredible support (medical, energetic...) today our little boy is in very good health. The interaction with Humans First was easy, sensitive, supportive.... Thank you from the bottom of my heart.»
Age-related disorders
Ailments of old age
Asperger’s syndrome
Brittle bone disease
Chronic pain
Eye inflammations
Exam nerves
Kidney stones
Multiple sclerosis
Relationship issues
Retinal detachment
Please contact us directly if your area of interest is not included. Pranic Healing can provide support in so many other areas.
Currently we treat
Age-related disorders / Ailments of old age
Asperger’s syndrome
Eye inflammations
Chronic pain
Brittle bone disease
Multiple sclerosis
Retinal detachment
Kidney stones
Exam nerves
Relationship issues
Humans First GmbH
Sibylle Mundwiler / CEO
Baumgartenweg 13
CH-4104 Oberwil